Recent changes in the way veterinary schools teach clinical and practical skills, coupled with increasing financial pressure on students and new graduates, have triggered the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to review its guidelines for Extra-Mural Studies (EMS) and clinical education.

A requirement has been in place for the last 75 years that veterinary students ‘see practice' for at least 26 weeks in their clinical years.

The purpose of EMS has always been to ensure that veterinary students have the right mix of practical and theoretical teaching and understand the realities of commercial clinical practice before they graduate. This objective does not change, but the College's Education Policy and Specialisation Committee believes it is now time to look again at what is covered in the clinical curriculum of the undergraduate degree to ensure that guidelines are kept up to date.

EMS was last reviewed in 1996, but in the interim veterinary schools have introduced new ways of teaching practical and clinical aspects of the curriculum. There has also been an increase in the role played by the veterinary schools' own first opinion practices.

In addition, having to carry out EMS not only restricts students' capacity to work during the holidays, but often incurs substantial travel and accommodation expenses. With students facing increasing amounts of debt, the financial impact of EMS needs to be reviewed.

The review group, which will be chaired by RCVS Council Member and practitioner Dr Barry Johnson, will gather evidence from a broad range of stakeholders. It aims to make a report to Council by the end of 2009.

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