Genitrix Founder, Howard WilderVetSurgeon member Howard Wilder, founder and managing director of British veterinary pharmaceutical company Genitrix, has been named Director of the Year at the 2010 Institute of Directors' London and South East Director of the Year Awards.

Genitrix provides treatments and therapies for pets and horses, and has just launched Libromide, the UK's first licensed formulation of potassium bromide, used in the treatment of canine epilepsy. Howard won the award in the category for businesses with a turnover of up to £4.99 million. 

Howard said: "I founded Genitrix in 1998 and it's undoubtedly my greatest achievement. From scratch, and in just 12 years, we've become one of the top 20 companies in the veterinary pharmaceutical sector and compete strongly with multi-million dollar global corporations.

"I'm absolutely thrilled to have won.  It's recognition both of the success of Genitrix and for me personally.  I've worked very hard to make Genitrix the best run business in the sector and this confirms that I'm heading in the right direction."

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