MarbokemCEVA Animal Health has launched Marbokem, a Marbofloxacin-based antimicrobial for the treatment of respiratory disease in cattle which offers the advantages of a one-shot protocol and a shock-resistant vial.

Marbokem is used for the treatment of respiratory infections caused by sensitive strains of Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica and Histophilus somni. CEVA says Marbofloxacin's efficacy has been proven in terms of re-treatment rate, success, speed of action and MICs in comparison with many frequently used quinolones and macrolides. (1,2,3,4)

According to CEVA, Marbokem's one shot protocol means it's quick and economical to use, while its presentation in an ergonomic CLAS vial makes for light and shock-resistant handling, resulting in fewer breakages and reduced costs. The company says Marbokem is also very competitively priced.

For further product information, please contact CEVA Animal Health Ltd, 90 The Broadway, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1EG, telephone 01494 781510 or visit the website at

1 Grandemange, E., Fournel, S., Woerhle, F. (2009) Field evaluation of the efficacy of 2 antibiotics in treating bovine respiratory infections. Poster, Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France.
2. Grobbel, M., Lübke-Becker, A., Wieler, L., Froyman R., Friederichs, S., Filios, S. (2007) Comparative quantification of the in-vitro activity of veterinary fluoroquinolones. Veterinary microbiology 124 (73-81).
3. Roy, O., Pillet, F., Heurtin-Vallé, A., Frontczak, N. (2008) Comparative field clinical efficacy of a single intramuscular injection of marbofloxacin in the treatment of bovine respiratory disease. Poster, World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary.
4. Wu, C. (2004) Determination of minimum inhibitory concentrations of danofloxacin and other commonly used cattle antimicrobial agents against Mycoplasma bovis isolated from cattle with clinical disease. Le médecin vétérinaire du Québec. 34 (1-2).

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