Bayer Animal Health - maker of Remend - has released the second in its series of 'Back to Basics' educational videos, this one covering canine ophthalmology. Alongside, the company has also launched a new educational practice display pack about Dry Eye in dogs.Bayer Animal Health - maker of Remend - has released the second in its series of 'Back to Basics' educational videos, this one covering canine ophthalmology. Alongside, the company has also launched a new educational practice display pack about Dry Eye in dogs.

The 15 minute video (see below) is hosted by Chris Dixon, veterinary ophthalmologist and director at Veterinary Vision Ophthalmic Referrals, who discusses things to consider when examining a patient with an ocular disorder. He offers practical advice on how to perform an ocular examination, including tips on how to use an ophthalmoscope effectively, examining the ocular structures including the front eye, distant direct examination, indirect examination and close direct examination.

Chris said: "This series of videos aims to help vets learn how to perform the fundamental techniques of ophthalmic examination, hopefully enabling them to spot potentially degenerative conditions earlier. The second video in particular delves into practical tips that vets can use within practice. The videos have been created in partnership with Bayer as part of their ongoing commitment to training, and aim to help ensure that chronic conditions, such as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), or dry eye, are diagnosed and treated early."

The veterinary practice waiting room display materials are designed to help practices educate dog owners on the signs and management of Dry Eye in the hope that the condition may be diagnosed and treated earlier and to emphasise the importance of ongoing treatment and management.

Hannah Watts, Group Product Manager at Bayer said: "It is important that dog owners with a predisposed breed are aware that their pet may be at risk of developing Dry Eye and are aware of the symptoms. Annual testing in at risk breeds for Dry Eye is recommended to help reach an early diagnosis and optimise the chances of a successful treatment outcome."

The Dry Eye practice display materials are available to order via the Bayer Vet Centre Alternatively, ask your Bayer rep for more details.


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