Elanco Animal Health has launched Imrestor, a new treatment designed to help prevent transition diseases in cows and potentially reduce antibiotic usage.Elanco Animal Health has launched Imrestor, a new treatment designed to help prevent transition diseases in cows and potentially reduce antibiotic usage1.

During the 60 days before to 30 days after calving, dairy cows experience a dip in their natural immunity, leaving them especially vulnerable to important diseases such as mastitis2, metritis3 and retained placenta.4 With serious cost consequences and implications for cow welfare and productivity, this makes the transition period one of the most challenging yet vital periods for vets to manage with dairy clients. 

Imrestor (pegbovigrastim injection) is a pegylated form of the naturally occurring protein cytokine, bovine Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (bG-CSF). Elanco says it helps restore the cow’s natural defences by increasing the number and restoring the function of neutrophils, the primary type of white blood cell that recognizes and kills harmful bacteria.

Fiona Anderson, Technical Vet at Elanco, said: "It’s no secret that a successful transition period is vital for maximising productivity in the next lactation, yet we are still ‘firefighting’ common transition diseases like mastitis rather than focusing on their true cause."

"Vets are under increasing pressure to adopt a more proactive approach, not least to reduce the use of antibiotics in livestock but with few credible alternatives. This can be challenging in dairy herds, particularly around calving when cows are susceptible to multiple disease challenges while their defences are low. Imrestor helps to restore a cow’s own natural immunity and strengthen her ability to defend against infection by a range of mastitis pathogens – thus helping to protect the cow against mastitis when she needs it most."

Available in pre-filled, single-dose syringes, Imrestor is administered with two injections – one seven days prior to the anticipated date of calving and the other within 24 hours after calving – with neither injection requiring a withdrawal period.

Kingsley Baxendale, Ruminant Marketing Manager at Elanco Animal Health said: "It can be extremely frustrating for vets to see their dairy farmers struggling with the stress and hassle of dealing with increased numbers of sick cows during calving; they have enough to deal with at the moment. We’re delighted that Imrestor can provide vets with a tool to help decrease the negative consequences associated with immune-related diseases like mastitis and maximise their herds’ lactation potential."

As part of the launch of Imrestor, Elanco also announced its new 'Pledge To Protect' initiative to encourage vets and farmers to make a pledge symbolising their commitment to address immune suppression in their dairy cows.

The number of pledges will be tracked using a life-sized 2D cow model, pictured above. For each pledge, which can be made online or at events, Elanco will make a £5 donation to The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I), which supports farmers in difficulty. As a thank you for showing support, all pledgers will automatically be entered into a weekly prize draw.

To find out more about using Imrestor and how you can make your pledge, visit www.vital90days.co.uk.


  1. CVMP Assessment Report for Imrestor (EMEA/V/C/002763/0000)
  2. Sordillo L.M., (2005), Factors affecting mammary gland immunity and mastitis susceptibility. Livestock Production Science, 98, 89 -99.
  3. Hammon D.S. et al,(2006), Neutrophil function and energy status in Holstein cows with uterine health disorders, Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 113, 21 -29.
  4. Kimura K., Goff J.P., Kehrli M.E., (2002), Decreased neutrophil function as a cause of retained placenta in dairy cattle, Journal of Dairy Science, 85 (3), 544 -550.

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