MSD Animal Health has announced the launch of KBHH Yard Master – a new preventative healthcare and biosecurity app - as part of its ongoing Keeping Britain’s Horses Healthy (KBHH) campaign. MSD Animal Health has announced the launch of KBHH Yard Master – a new preventative healthcare and biosecurity app - as part of its ongoing Keeping Britain’s Horses Healthy (KBHH) campaign. 

MSD says KBHH Yard Master has been created to link vets and yards where the majority of horses in Britain are kept. It aims to play a key role in protecting the health and welfare of the herd and in safeguarding the yard’s reputation and business.

Peter Young, Equine Business Manager at MSD Animal Health said: "Good biosecurity is essential in building and maintaining the reputation of a yard which, in turn, impacts on owner satisfaction and retention. It remains, however, a poorly understood subject despite its importance. We’ve therefore invested in the creation of KBHH Yard Master to help vets, yard managers, their employees and horse owners focus on preventative health and biosecurity measures; making best practice seem more achievable and easier to implement.

He added: "We were also fortunate to have input from Professor Josh Slater, who has been heavily involved in developing the content, evaluation and grading system behind the app assessment."

KBHH Yard Master covers all aspects of biosecurity, including everyday husbandry practices, managing new arrivals, running isolation facilities, infection control and personnel movement. MSD says it will frame a dialogue with yard managers regarding preventative healthcare and biosecurity in situ and provide instant feedback on current practices and risk. Following the on-site assessment, a report can be sent to the yard manager with tailor-made recommendations and timings, detailing how they can improve their yard’s biosecurity performance.

Peter added: "Based on the data gathered through the KBHH campaign we know that approximately half of horses are vaccinated for ‘flu.  This means that there will be horses on yards, visited by vets, that are not vaccinated. KBHH Yard Master will help identify those horses and allow the vet to recommend appropriate vaccination schedules."

MSD has produced a range of supporting KBHH Yard Master materials to promote understanding, participation and compliance amongst yard staff and owners, including posters and downloadable booklets which explain aspects such as disease prevention, infection control and outbreak control.

A certificate of excellence is also available to be awarded to those yards which, following assessment, have a low overall biosecurity risk.  

For more information, contact your MSD Animal Health Equine Account Manager or call MSD on 01908 685685.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.