XLVets, the collaborative group of 45 independent small animal practices, has announced the launch of 'Scratch Below the Surface', a campaign to raise awareness of skin conditions amongst pet owners.XLVets, the collaborative group of 45 independent small animal practices, has announced the launch of 'Scratch Below the Surface', a campaign to raise awareness of skin conditions amongst pet owners. 

As part of the campaign, practices within the group - which aims to establish itself as a nationwide 'quality mark' for independent care - will be offering skin check clinics for owners who are concerned that their pet may be suffering from a dermatology issue.

Paul Sands, BSc, BMedVet, CertVD, MRCVS, veterinary dermatologist from Scarsdale Veterinary Group, explained the rationale for focusing on skin conditions: "Skin conditions in dogs and cats have many underlying causes and may require a range of treatments and long-term management strategies to keep a pet healthy and itch-free. Summer can be a particularly bad time for sensitive pets as pollens and other allergens are at their highest in the warmer months. 

"The Scratch Below the Surface initiative aims to help pet owners recognise the signs of skin conditions in their pets and encourage them to talk to their vet about preventive measures to carry out at home, such as flea and tick control. They will also receive support from their veterinary team in planning long-term management strategies for pets with ongoing skin conditions."

Practices in the group will also be collecting data about the types of dermatology conditions seen, geographical variances, and common and unusual cases.

XLVets says it will be producing case studies, blogs and articles, designed to benefit practices both within the XLVets group and the wider veterinary community. 

To find out more about the campaign, visit: www.xlvets-pets.co.uk.

To find out more about joining the XLVets group, telephone 01228 711788.

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