VetSurgeon JobsVetSurgeon Jobs has published the results of two surveys designed to give veterinary employers and job applicants some insight into what they want from each other.

The first survey was completed by 139 vets who described themselves as having recently looked for a job, or actively looking for a job, or could imagine looking for a job in the foreseeable future.

Key findings included:

  • The great majority (nearly 70%) said they were likely to spend most time browsing jobs online, as opposed to traditional magazines.
  • Potential candidates ranked 'work-life balance' as the job attribute that is most important to them.
  • 48% of candidates said they are not prepared to do any OOH work Editor Arlo Guthrie said: "The survey was carried out primarily to help employers create recruitment adverts that better meet the hopes and aspirations of candidates, thereby improving response rates. Whilst some of the conclusions might seem obvious, the report should help you prioritise the things you need to communicate in an advert. 

"Of course, employees' hopes and aspirations don't tend to change the moment they get the job (or they shouldn't). So I hope this report will be of interest to ALL veterinary employers, regardless of whether they are actively recruiting."

The candidate survey can be downloaded from VetSurgeon Jobs here ('Advice for Employers' under 'Recruitment Help' in the right hand margin). Come and discuss the findings here.

The second survey was completed by 121 veterinary employers. 

Key findings included:

  • Whilst most employers want first contact by email, a significant number (31%) still want a letter. An argument for sending both.
  • By some margin, veterinary employers said that ‘previous experience’ is what makes a CV stand out positively. But there was some solace for the inexperienced. When it comes to the attributes employers are looking for in a candidate, being 'likeable and affable' was reported as being more important than being skilled and experienced.

Respondents were asked to share any tips they have for anyone looking to come and work for them, which are also shared in the full report.

The employer survey can also be downloaded from VetSurgeon Jobs ('Advice for Jobseekers').

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.