The RCVS has announced that voting is now open for the 2016 Council elections. The RCVS has announced that voting is now open for the 2016 Council elections. 

Ballot papers with candidate details, biographies and manifestos have been posted to all veterinary surgeons this week.

Eight candidates are standing in the RCVS Council election this year, with the six who receive the most votes joining Council at RCVS Day on Friday 15 July 2016 for a four-year term. The candidates are: 

  • Mr Christopher Barker MRCVS
  • Ms Amanda Boag MRCVS
  • Dr Melissa Donald MRCVS
  • Miss Lucie Goodwin MRCVS
  • Mr Thomas Lonsdale MRCVS
  • Professor Stephen May FRCVS
  • Dr Cheryl Scudamore FRCVS
  • Dr Christopher (Kit) Sturgess MRCVS

Each candidate in both elections has produced a short video in which they answer two questions which they have selected from those submitted to the RCVS in advance by members of the professions. The videos can be viewed at: along with their biographies, manifesto statements and contact details. 

Bradley Viner, RCVS President, said: "Last year the candidate videos had over 3,500 views and we hope to increase that this year as it is a very direct and democratic way of finding out more about each candidate and their views. I would urge each member of the profession, whether vets or veterinary nurses, to make a vote for their preferred candidates as they really can make a difference when it comes to the future direction of the College."

All votes must be cast, either online or by post, by 5pm on Friday 29 April 2016. Online votes for RCVS Council candidates can be made at

Any veterinary surgeon who has not received a ballot paper should contact Ian Holloway, RCVS Communications Manager, on 020 7202 0727 or

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.