Merial has announced that it has joined forces with the Animal Health Trust to hold Equine Flu Awareness Month in April. Merial has announced that it has joined forces with the Animal Health Trust to hold Equine Flu Awareness Month in April. 

Organisers say that the aim is to increase awareness, understanding and virus surveillance of this highly contagious evolving disease.  

The AHT’s head of epidemiology and disease surveillance, Dr Richard Newton said: "The creation of Equine Flu Awareness Month is an important step forward for the equine industry. There have been 52 recorded outbreaks of equine influenza in the last two years, and whilst this may sound considerable, we believe it’s actually just the tip of the iceberg."

Equine Flu Awareness Month will integrate the Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) Equine Influenza Surveillance Programme at the AHT with disease outbreak alerts and horse owner education to increase awareness of flu surveillance and vaccination.

The surveillance programme provides ongoing free sampling to all practices registered to the service. 

Richard added: "We are fortunate that the HBLB invests in this important scheme which also benefits the industry as a whole. We know that just 40% of the total UK herd is vaccinated, so when you consider that all racehorses and many other competing and performance horses are vaccinated under compulsory rules, that leaves the remainder of the herd even less protected and the total percentage well short of the 70% required in order to prevent an epidemic¹,².

"All isolated viruses in the recent outbreaks are known to be of the Florida Clade 2 sublineage of H3N8 equine influenza, and nearly all outbreaks were in unvaccinated horses or in those whose vaccinations were not up to date³. 

"Historical models indicate that an epidemic occurs every 10 to 15 years⁴. The last large outbreak in the UK, which affected vaccinated racehorses, occurred in 2003, so surveillance of virus activity, vaccination and development of vaccines to match the circulating strains are key to preventing another outbreak.

"Many horses that don’t travel are still at risk of equine influenza, but frequently go unvaccinated. These animals are not only at risk of contracting and amplifying virus from their stable-mates that do travel, but are also at risk of airborne infection as equine flu is capable of travelling over a mile as an aerosol on the wind." 

Equine Flu Awareness Month will include a focus on practice vaccine amnesties and practice promotional tools with the objective to increase awareness among horse owners, for them to better understand the risks and signs of equine flu. 

Louise Radford MRCVS from Merial said: "In addition to the HBLB funded surveillance scheme providing free registration and virus testing, other services include Tell-Tail™ alerts for practices when there is an outbreak in the region, and Tell-Tail™ links to alert clients to outbreaks of equine flu and encourage them to vaccinate."

She added: "Tell-Tail™ Links is a great way to let your clients know when there is an increased risk of equine flu due to an outbreak in the area. When the first broadcast was launched, a text was sent from a practice in Cardiff to 777 horse owners and within 2 weeks, 47 new horses were booked in for a primary vaccination course." 

As part of the initiative, Merial is also running a draw to win one of three BEVA vouchers worth up to £1000. To enter, sign up or renew your Tell-Tail™ registration during April 2016 at:

To sign up to the free HBLB Equine Influenza Surveillance Service run by the AHT, visit:


  1. Baker D. Equine Vet J 1986;18(2):93–96. 
  2. Merial Proactive Insight benchmarking 2015.
  3. Equiflunet. Available at: (Accessed December 2015).
  4. Elton D, Cullinane A. Equine Vet J 2013;45(6):768–769

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