Agria Pet Insurance has announced the launch of a new campaign to highlight the threat to animals from everyday poisons and toxins. Agria Pet Insurance has announced the launch of a new campaign to highlight the threat to animals from everyday poisons and toxins. 

As part of its campaign, the company is encouraging vets and nurses to help clients keep their pets safe by sharing knowledge about specific toxins - increasing awareness of substances which can cause harm. 

To support vets in advising clients, Agria has produced a poster designed for in-practice display (pictured right, click to enlarge), covering some of the main threats to cats and dogs that owners may come across in their everyday lives. Dangers include: ingestion of antifreeze and paracetamol by cats, certain human foods and rock salt by dogs.

International Cat Care, currently running the campaign ‘Keeping Cats Safe’ in conjunction with Agria, feels that many poisonings could be prevented if only owners knew the risks. 

Claire Bessant, from the charity, said “Accidental poisonings are heartbreaking because they are so often preventable - owners just weren’t aware of the dangers. Even worse, sometimes people are trying to help their animals - such as when owners give paracetamol, unaware that it can be lethal for cats.

"We’re delighted that Agria is helping reduce the risk of poisoning with this veterinary campaign and we encourage vets to do their bit and display a poster."

To order a copy of Agria’s poster – ‘Responsible Pet Ownership Month – taking extra care of your pet!’– to display in your practice, email the Agria vet team at, or call them on 03330 30 83 90.

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