The RCVS has announced the names of the candidates standing in the Council elections this year and is, once again, inviting veterinary surgeons to put questions to them directly in this year’s 'Quiz the candidates'.The RCVS has announced the names of the candidates standing in the Council elections this year and is, once again, inviting veterinary surgeons to put questions to them directly in this year’s 'Quiz the candidates'.

There are eight candidates (well, seven really, if you exclude the 'Donald Trump' candidate) contesting six places in the RCVS Council, including four existing Council members eligible for re-election and four new candidates. They are: 

  • Mr Christopher Barker MRCVS
  • Ms Amanda Boag MRCVS
  • Dr Melissa Donald MRCVS
  • Miss Lucie Goodwin MRCVS
  • Mr Thomas Lonsdale MRCVS
  • Professor Stephen May FRCVS
  • Dr Cheryl Scudamore FRCVS
  • Dr Christopher (Kit) Sturgess MRCVS

Ballot papers and candidates’ details are due to be posted to all veterinary surgeons eligible to vote during the week commencing 14 March, and all votes must be cast, either online or by post, by 5pm on Friday, 29 April 2016.

To submit a question to the candidates, email it (NB only one per person) to, post it on the College’s Facebook page ( or on twitter using the hashtag #vetvote16, by midday on Monday, 29 February.

Each candidate will then be invited to choose two questions to answer from all those received, and produce a video recording of their answers. All recordings will be published on the RCVS website on Thursday 17 March.

RCVS Chief Executive Nick Stace said: "Last year, all election candidates produced videos for the first time and, with over 3,500 views in total, it seemed a popular way for voters to find out more about the individuals who were standing.

"Providing a way for all vets and vet nurses to put their own questions to the candidates is now an integral part of the elections, and one which we hope will continue to encourage people to get involved and have their say."

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.