Ceva Animal Health has announced that its biggest ever TV advertising campaign, designed to highlight the benefits of using its veterinary behaviour products, Adaptil and Feliway, will begin on Christmas Day. Ceva Animal Health has announced its biggest ever TV advertising campaign, designed to highlight the benefits of using Adaptil and Feliway, will begin on Christmas Day. 

The TV advertisement for Adaptil focuses on Meg and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Dude, who is anxious when Meg is away from home.  With the strapline ‘Best behaviour starts here’ the advertisement will help educate pet owners on the action they should take to keep their dogs happy when they are left at home alone and Dude’s experience taking Adaptil.

Feliway’s TV advertisement features the strapline ‘Experience the difference in your home’ and focuses on the real life story of Clare and her rescue cat, Mewsli, who was often scared and anxious, so much so that she would hide under the bed and scratch the side of the chair.  

The TV advertising campaign, which is aimed at ABC1 women, runs from Christmas Day until 10 January 2016 and the advertisements will air throughout the family films over the festive period with Adaptil featured during ad breaks for Paul O’Grady’s For the Love of Dogs Christmas Special on Boxing Day.

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