Idexx Laboratories has launched a new renal function test, Idexx SDMA, which the company says can detect chronic kidney disease (CKD) in dogs or cats months or even years earlier than traditional methods.

The test is based on a new renal biomarker - symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) - and is the result of collaboration with a number of global experts.

Simon Wootton, UK CAG Marketing Manager at Idexx said: "The high sensitivity of this marker for detecting CKD will allow vets to diagnose the disease a lot sooner than has been previously possible. Identifying the disease earlier will give vets more time to intervene and prescribe an appropriate course of action."

The company says that the Idexx SDMA test can identify renal disease in dogs up to nine months earlier than previous methods, while in cats the detection time can be up to 17 months earlier.

Dr Martha Cannon, BA VetMB DSAM(fel) RCVS Recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine of the Oxford Cat Clinic, said: "The launch of SDMA testing is very exciting. It offers the prospect of identifying chronic kidney disease at an earlier stage, which should mean we can treat it more effectively and allow us to maintain cats in the asymptomatic phase. This can improve longevity, but more importantly could help maintain a better quality of life for longer.

"SDMA is also unaffected by muscle loss, which will allow us to assess the true extent of CKD in our elderly and underweight cats. This will lead to improved treatment choices, better quality of life and more peace of mind for owners."

The value of the new test has been validated by the adoption of SDMA into the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) guidelines as a biomarker for the early detection of CKD.

Jonathan W. Ayers, President and Chief Executive Officer of Idexx Laboratories, said: "Idexx SDMA is a result of our commitment to lead the industry in sustained research investments that serve to advance veterinary medicine. It represents a significant achievement in veterinary diagnostics. Hospitals in the USA already using Idexx SDMA have told us that it has transformed the way renal disease is diagnosed and treated."

Idexx SDMA is available to UK and Ireland reference laboratory customers now. Further information is available at

Video shows Sylvia Conway MRCVS, UK Medical Affairs Consultant at Idexx, talking about the new test (can also be viewed here).

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