VetSurgeon launches new 'Claim CPD' function has today launched 'Claim CPD', a new feature which allows members to claim time spent on the site towards the annual requirement for 35 hours documented Continuing Professional Development.

The system has been designed to make recording CPD-qualifying activity, both reading or viewing content and participating in forum discussions, as quick and easy as possible.

Clicking the 'Claim CPD' button towards the top right of a content page on reveals a drop down box into which you tap in the time you've spent on the subject, together with optional notes to remind you what you learned and how you plan to put it into practice.

In your profile, there's a new tab marked 'CPD', visible only to you. Click that to reveal a list of all the time you've accrued, with links back to the content you've recorded towards your CPD. You can also produce a certificate covering the time you've logged in a given period, and upload it to your RCVS PDR.

Claim CPD can be used in various sections of

Now there's more reason than ever before to join forum discussions, ask questions and help each other, because when you learn something in the process, you can record it towards your CPD allowance.

You may not think it's worth recording the short period of time you spent reading a news story on as CPD. But if the story prompted you to spend time finding out more information, it probably is. For example, say you read about a new POM. You spend a couple of minutes reading about it on But then you visit the manufacturer's website to learn more about it and discuss it with the Territory Manager. Now it has become a worthwhile amount of time to record.

Claim CPD can also be used to record and claim time spent at any event listed in our CPD and Events Diary. So now you can RSVP to the event AND claim a certificate afterwards. Of course, most of the providers supply their own certificates, but useful for when they don't and if you should misplace your certificate.

Now you can claim any time spent watching videos in the VetSurgeon Galleries towards your CPD requirement (indeed, this new feature was inspired by a veterinary surgeon who contacted us to ask for a certificate for precisely that). In addition, if you contribute a clinical image to our curated galleries, and learn something from the curator's comment, you can claim that too.

Arlo Guthrie, Editor said: “I often hear members remark almost guiltily about how much time they spend on Now there's no need to feel guilty! Sharing knowledge amongst yourselves in forums has always been a great way to learn, recognised by the RCVS. But now, we've made it really easy to document what you've learned, in good time for the requirement to document all CPD from the start of next year."

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.