Independent research carried out by CM Research amongst practising companion animal veterinary surgeons has placed in the top 5 veterinary media publications, and the leading online destination by a considerable marginIndependent research carried out by CM Research amongst practising companion animal veterinary surgeons has placed in the top 5 veterinary media publications, and the leading online destination by a considerable margin.

As part of the research, 300 vets were asked which media publications they followed. Unprompted, 24% answered, placing the site in 5th place alongside such venerable titles as Veterinary TimesVeterinary Record and The Journal of Small Animal Practice.

Carlos Michelsen, Managing Director of CM Research said: “The answer to this question was unprompted, so the leading titles will likely have benefited from the greater brand awareness that comes from having their magazines delivered to the practice, and the fact that they’ve been in existence for so much longer than That makes this an even more remarkable achievement for the site." 

In terms of online media used by veterinary surgeons, was the clear winner, by a number of lengths. Where 24% of vets said they followed, only 5% followed the second placed website published by Vet Times. Indeed the percentage of vets reported as following was very nearly the same as the percentage that visited all the other veterinary websites combined.

Arlo Guthrie, Publishing Editor of said: “I’m over the moon. When I set up 8 years ago, people said ‘it’ll never work’. So to be sitting here talked about in the same breath as a title like the Veterinary Record, which has been around for 125 years, fills me with a huge sense of pride.

“If I’m allowed my little ‘Oscar’ moment, I would like to thank the members of, without whom none of this would have been possible. I know, it’s a dreadful cliché, but the success of is entirely down to its members, both those who actively participate in the forums and those who just come to read content. I am enormously grateful to you all.

“I’m also hugely excited about the future. We’ve got so much in the pipeline - all designed to further help the sharing of knowledge and experience within the profession. Stay tuned!"

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