carefreecreditCarefreeCredit, the loan company set up by Somerset vet Stewart Halperin so that practices can offer their clients interest free loans to cover emergency veterinary treatment, has embarked on a national PR campaign to raise awareness amongst pet owners about the service.

First out of the stalls was the Sunday Express, which covered the story last weekend. Further coverage is expected in other national newspapers over the coming few weeks. 

CarefreeCredit provides loans from £250 to £25,000 for use against any veterinary bills. Credit terms offered by CarefreeCredit-enrolled veterinary practices, of which there are now more than 700, are normally 0% over 12 months or 9.9% over 24 months.

Practices pay £10 per month to enrol with CarefreeCredit, plus a small percentage of the amount of each loan made.

Stewart said: “Most vets usually end up discounting their invoices to enable pets to receive the treatment they desperately need when their owners aren’t insured and can’t afford to pay a large bill all at once.  With CarefreeCredit, the owner doesn’t have to worry about paying the bill, the pet gets the treatment it needs and the vet is paid immediately and doesn’t have to worry about bad debts. Experience with this type of finance in the US shows that the average vet can reduce his debtors by up to 60%, improving his cash flow, while increasing his turnover by up to 22% per annum, so everyone’s a winner!”

For further information about offering CarefreeCredit to your clients, visit:

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