Cat Henstridge, a small animal vet from South Yorkshire, has started a Facebook page to add the veterinary profession's voice to the campaign against the practice of puppy farming.
Cat said: "I write a blog on my website and recently touched on the subject of puppy farming. I was contacted by members of the 'PupAid' organisation and was shocked to learn that the veterinary community has no real public opinions on the subject. I found it really surprising that none of our professional bodies had spoken out, especially as we are supposed to be the bastions of animal welfare and see the consequences of poorly bred puppies all the time in our clinics."
"I am hoping the Facebook page will just be the start of a movement within the profession. Not only can we add our very powerful opinions to the discussion but this will be a way of driving the general public into our clinics to ask our advice, before they purchase a poor quality, sickly puppy and find themselves in trouble.
"Please join the page, add your stories about these dogs (we all have one!). At the risk of sounding cheesy, by coming together, we can really make a difference!"
PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.
Please please everybody sign. All of us should have an impact.
Thanks Wynne,
Actually it seems really hard to get people to talk about it! You are the only one so far.
Come on vets! We have all seen it, lets try to do something about it!