Dr Bradley Viner has been invested as the President RCVS for 2015/16 Dr Bradley Viner has been invested as the President of the RCVS for 2015/16 at a ceremony held at the Institution of Civil Engineers in Westminster.

Bradley has been an elected member of RCVS Council since 2005 and was Treasurer from 2010 to 2014. During his time on Council he served on a number of committees including both Education and Standards as well as chairing the Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice Subcommittee and the now obsolete Planning and Resources Committee.

Having graduating from the Royal Veterinary College in 1978, Bradley established a small animal practice in outer north-west London in 1979 which has now expanded to a group of five practices. Bradley was also among one of the first veterinary surgeons in the UK to achieve a higher award in veterinary general practice upon obtaining an MSc (VetGP) with Middlesex University.

Bradley is well known for his media work, writing for publications such as The Veterinary Times and Your Cat as well as broadcasting, with regular stints as the ‘in-house’ vet for programmes such as The Big Breakfast, Blue Peter and This Morning. He is also a Trustee of Battersea Dogs and Cats Home and Chair of its Building Committee as well as being Vice-President of International Cat Care.

Bradley highlighted three areas that he considered crucial for his presidential year:

  • the Vet Futures project and its final report (due in November)
  • the new RCVS Fellowship
  • the new Practice Standards Scheme also due to launch in November.

He said: “If I had to pick a theme for my year it would be continual improvement. It is a very easy term to bandy about, but much more difficult to actually implement it efficiently. It involves accepting that there are many different ways we can tackle the challenges we face, and that we rarely do things perfectly. It is only by recognising our imperfections that we can get better, and it takes courage to open oneself up to criticism.

“I think back to my somewhat chequered school reports, which I had to sheepishly take home to my father, and the rather frequent comments that “Bradley could do better”. I think they meant it as criticism, but I would now take it as positive encouragement. The College is doing extremely well. It can continue to improve and become even better. During my year I undertake to do everything in my ability to ensure that it does.”

Upon receiving the chain of office from the outgoing President Professor Stuart Reid, Bradley’s first official duty was to welcome the new Junior Vice-President Chris Tufnell saying that he was an ideal person to take on the role and praising his “calm but authoritative manner, and his passion for educational matters from the perspective of a practising vet.”

Bradley praised the outgoing President Professor Stuart Reid as a “hard act to follow” – particularly in light of him running this year’s London Marathon. Professor Reid then took up the position of Senior Vice-President, replacing Colonel Neil Smith.

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