Bayer Animal Health has announced the launch of, Dinalgen (ketoprofen)Bayer Animal Health has announced the launch of, Dinalgen (ketoprofen), an NSAID injection approved for use in cattle, pigs and horses.

Dinalgen is available as a 150mg/ml Solution for Injection, and Bayer says the more concentrated format allows the product to provide the smallest dose, fast relief NSAID currently available for cattle in the UK.

In cattle, Dinalgen is licensed for the reduction of inflammation and pain associated with lameness, post-partum, and musculoskeletal disorders; the reduction of fever associated with bovine respiratory disease; and the reduction of inflammation, fever and pain in acute clinical mastitis in combination with antimicrobial therapy where appropriate. The withdrawal period for milk is zero hours and for meat two days.

In pigs, Dinalgen is licensed for the reduction of pyrexia in cases of respiratory disease and postpartum dysgalactia syndrome in sows, in combination with antimicrobial therapy.

In horses, Dinalgen is licensed for the reduction of inflammation and pain associated with osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders, including lameness, laminitis, osteoarthritis, synovitis, and tendinitis. It also aids the reduction of visceral pain associated with colic.

Sharon Cooksey, MRCVS, FAP group product manager at Bayer, said: “We are excited to have this new addition to our portfolio. It is a good fit with our existing products.

"A recent field study*, carried out by Nottingham university, has shown that NSAID (ketoprofen) treatment maximises the chance of recovery from lameness in dairy cattle. Lameness remains one of the “big three” issues in dairy practice so maybe it is time we moved on from hoof blocks and/ or trimming in isolation and onto a more multi-layer approach. We have some great support tools in the pipeline to help both vets and farmers recognise and manage animals at risk for lameness.”

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