WikiVetWikiVet has announced the launch of a new information resource about undesirable behaviour in cats for veterinary professionals and students. 

The resource has been produced by WikiVet in collaboration with Ceva Santé Animale following a survey of 800 cat owners by the Royal Veterinary College in which 75% said that problem behaviour is a subject that they expected vets to be knowledgeable about.

WikiVet says that despite this level of concern and expectation among cat owners, many find that their local vet is less knowledgeable than they anticipated and cannot offer the effective advice they need. Hence the new resource.

The new Feline Behaviour Section on WikiVet is described as the first of its kind and contains over 40 encyclopaedic pages on the topic of feline behaviour as well as expert videos and an interactive quiz. The section includes information on normal feline behaviour, problem behaviours and how to manage them, as well as the importance of cats' environment.

Jon Bowen leads the Veterinary Behaviour Service at the RVC, is an expert in feline behaviour and has contributed his knowledge to the resource. He said: "I am thrilled to have been involved in the creation of these new resources which will help to raise awareness and understanding of this complex and previously under-appreciated topic."

To mark the beginning of the project WikiVet is launching the Feline Behaviour Global Student Challenge. This is an online quiz which gives participants the chance to test their expertise and identify gaps in their knowledge. The top three scores will be rewarded with a £50 ebook prize. Once the competition has ended, the quiz will be available to users of WikiVet.

Martin Mitchell, Group Communications Director at Ceva Santé Animale, said: "In an increasingly urban and stressful world, the veterinary profession has a major role to play in educating the public about behaviour related issues. As Ceva, we are delighted to partner WikiVet in the development of this valuable new online resource that we all hope will help veterinarians and future veterinarians to pass on their knowledge to help improve the bond between cats and their owners."

For more information, visit:

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.