The National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) has launched 'The Happy Healthy Pets Project', designed to encourage owners to prioritise pet healthcare and seek independent expert advice on the subject.The National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) has launched 'The Happy Healthy Pets Project', designed to encourage owners to prioritise pet healthcare.

At the heart of the campaign is a new online photography gallery at, where owners and veterinary professionals are being invited to upload pictures of happy healthy pets to help build a resource of images and healthcare advice.

To help ensure a high standard of photography, NOAH has partnered with top wildlife and animal photographer Victoria Hillman to create five top tips to help all participants capture the perfect pet photo:

  1. Get on their level
    A great portrait always focuses on the subject’s eyes, so get down to eye level with your pet 
  2. Patience is a virtue
    Remember, this is a fun activity. Keeping your pet relaxed and in a natural environment can lead to capturing their best (and funniest!) qualities 
  3. Turn on the light
    Good lighting is key, but avoid using flash! Your pet’s eyes are more sensitive than ours and you don’t want to startle them 
  4. Play to their strengths
    You know your pet better than anyone else: their quirks, likes and dislikes. Use this intel to get a unique shot that shows off your special bond 
  5. Get colourful
    Pics in colour can capture bright green eyes or a little pink nose - just make sure that background colours aren't distracting and allow your pet to stand out

Dawn Howard, Chief Executive of the National Office of Animal Health said: “We’re really looking forward to getting the campaign underway, having seen the fantastic levels of participation in photo-based activity for last year’s ‘I Heart My Pet’ campaign. This year, we’re aiming to taking things one step further by creating the biggest ever gallery of pet portraits in the UK with the help not just of Britain’s pet owners, but also of veterinary professionals and their clients. The campaign is designed to use a simple, fun and familiar mechanic - taking photographs of our pets - to create interesting, engaging content but also to raise awareness of more serious healthcare messages.

“We’re delighted to have partnered with Victoria Hillman so that we can help make sure all pet owners know how to capture the perfect pic and to encourage as many owners and their vets across the UK as possible to get involved. We can’t wait to see the results.”

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.