Pets'n'Vets, a Glasgow-based partnership, has revealed plans to open what it describes as the city's first veterinary 'super practice'.Pets'n'Vets, a Glasgow-based partnership, has revealed plans to open what it describes as the city's first veterinary 'super practice'.

Located at a 7500 sq ft customised facility in the Auldhouse Retail Park in Pollokshaws, The Roundhouse Veterinary Hospital will provide comprehensive pet care seven days a week, caring for animals around the clock and providing late night consultations when required. Pets'n'Vets says it believes it will deliver a step change to the standard of veterinary care available in the city.

Pets'n'Vets partner Oliver Jackson said: "Having provided excellent veterinary care to the Southside's pets for over 40 years we feel that this will create a cutting-edge facility in which to do so for the next 40 years.

"Our plans for this ambitious new facility have been modelled on the American concept of a vet 'super-practice', designed to deliver the whole suite of pet care services, from nail clipping to vaccinations to some of the most complex surgical veterinary procedures - and will provide these services locally, at sensible cost and to the highest clinical standards with one of the best qualified, first opinion veterinary surgeons in the West of Scotland and one of the best medical experts too.

"This is a really exciting initiative that will bring a real first to Glasgow. It will enable us to care for animals 24 hours a day as there will be nursing staff living on-site so that animals can receive continuous treatment through the night. The location of the facility means that pet owners and, more importantly, sick animals, will not have to travel too far and, given the size and scope of the facility, we expect to be able to reduce significantly the waiting list before veterinary procedures can be scheduled.

"The whole idea behind The Roundhouse Veterinary Hospital is that we will be in a position to provide continuous lifelong veterinary care regardless of the problems that life brings - our vets and nurses often first meet our friends and their pets as a puppies, kittens and kits and we get to know pet and owner exceptionally well over the years - in the event that that pet requires a complex surgical procedure or in-patient medical care, we want to be able to offer that too, rather than the pet and owner being referred to an unfamiliar veterinary hospital.

"A particularly exciting aspect of the development is that some of the services will be led by our qualified veterinary nurses in conjunction with the surgeons. To facilitate this, the practice will in addition to the vet consulting rooms, house two specialist nurse consulting rooms."

The Roundhouse Veterinary Hospital will feature a cat examination room which, unusually, will not feature a consult table. Instead, this new facility will feature steps and an artificial tree that will enable the nurse or vet to better assess its movements.

Partner Oliver Jackson said: "This is an ultra-modern arrangement which is aimed at allowing us to examine cats in a more natural way - we hope that this will assist us to diagnose many more cases of feline arthritis, a disease that a recent study accepted was often missed by the traditional, consulting table means of examining cats."

Similarly, the dog room will not feature a consult table but will have facilities for physiotherapy or play - and there will be a special garden enclosure for exercising any dogs requiring to stay at the facility for any length of time.

The 'super practice' will feature separate cat and dog waiting and consultation rooms as well as separate in-patient wards to reduce stress. In the clinical wing, the facility boasts two sterile theatres, specified to the highest clinical standards, with a separate scrub area, a designated dental theatre, large patient preparation area as well as state-of the art diagnostic suites.

Pets'n'Vets says the hospital design has been carefully considered to encourage the best possible clinical care. For example vets' stations overlook the intensive care unit and the preparation area remains open plan, taking advantage of natural light provided by a large overhead atrium, whilst specialist air extraction systems ensures sterility by separating the area into clinical zones.

In addition to the dog and cat accommodation the hospital will also have an isolation ward which will be separate for any animals with potentially contagious diseases and a ward dedicated to less usual pets with facilities for everything from rabbits and guinea pigs to albino hedgehogs as well as vivaria for looking after reptiles.

The Roundhouse Veterinary Hospital will also feature a private area for pet owners needing to spend a little more time, perhaps on those sad occasions when a pet has to be put to sleep, as well as a dedicated and more relaxed room where owners will be able to discuss the health of their pet with the vet.

Oliver said: "We want The Roundhouse to be a place for learning and meeting, so there will be a coffee station for owners and a homely, relaxed and welcoming feeling. We're also planning to host school trips and the facility will feature a little veterinary practice where kids can play, with stethoscopes and little white coats for them to wear.

"As a practice, Pets'n'Vets has always been very involved in training and this new facility will enable us to do that on an unprecedented scale. Our ambition is that The Roundhouse will become a drop-in centre for people to come with their animals to learn and to play as well as to receive medical treatment."

The Roundhouse Veterinary Hospital will create six additional full-time jobs when it opens this summer. Pets'n'Vets says that many of the treatments currently delivered by its nearby surgery on Pollokshaws Road will transfer to the new facility, enabling it to create Glasgow's first dedicated vaccine clinic at the old surgery.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.