Centaur Services has announced a new partnership with VBS Direct which will allow the wholesaler to offer USA-based K-Laser products to its customers for the first time. Centaur Services has announced a new partnership with VBS Direct which will allow the wholesaler to offer USA-based K-Laser products to its customers for the first time. 

According to VBS, the K-Laser range can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. However, the company says most practices choose to buy K-Laser so they can start osteoarthritic pain management clinics and improve post-surgical rehabilitation, often using trained nurses or physiotherapists to run the clinics.

Centaur says K-Laser offers the most advanced Class IV therapy laser platform in the world, with the team of scientists and doctors at K-Laser USA having researched, tested and implemented therapy presets that are categorised anatomically and subdivided by clinical indication. The company claims that during treatment, laser energy is absorbed in water, increasing local circulation and thereby drawing oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area. This, it says, creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain. 

Apparently, more than 8,000 US veterinary practices and almost 100 in the UK have invested in Class IV laser therapy. 

Colm McGinn from Centaur said: "We're committed to finding innovative products and services for our customers so that we can help them to grow their businesses and succeed together.

"K-Laser, as well as being a revolutionary piece of clinical equipment, is also a fantastic revenue generator for veterinary practices and with our flexible payment options our customers are able to reap the benefits to their businesses very quickly. We appreciate that making capital investment in equipment can be a big decision and we want to fully support our customers in improving the services their practices can offer."

For more information, contact Centaur on 01963 350005 or VBS Direct on 0845 528 0336.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.