A North Wales-based enviro-tech company called Streetkleen has launched PooPrints, a DNA test used to identify the dogs responsible for leaving faeces in public places, in the UK.A North Wales-based enviro-tech company called Streetkleen has launched PooPrints, a DNA test used to identify the dogs responsible for leaving faeces in public places, in the UK.

Dogs are first added to the DNA World Pet Registry by taking a cheek swab and sending it for analysis at a cost of £29.95. Local authorities and landowners can then test any stray dog mess they find and see if the culprit is on the database, at a cost of £69.95.

Of course it does beggar the question why pet owners would agree to have their dog added to the database (and pay for it).

Streetkleen believes that new new legislation: The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, which gives communities the opportunity to set conditions to help prevent nuisances such as dog fouling, would allow local authorities to require all dogs that use a park, for instance, to be registered.

According to the company, having the PooPrints program operational has led to a drop of 90% in recorded dog fouling incidents in many locations as dog owners realise they can be held accountable.

Streetkleen Managing Director Gary Downie said: "As a dog owner myself the challenge was how do we combine positive dog ownership with access to open spaces whilst ensuring we have accountability to local dog policy? PooPrints is a cost effective, permanent solution to dog fouling that helps ensure that our open spaces are clean, safe and welcoming for dog owners and non-dog owners alike."

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