From 1st March vets can sign up to be alerted to all recorded equine influenza cases in the UK, thanks to a new service from the Animal Health Trust (AHT) and Merial Animal Health.

Tell Tail is the UK's first equine influenza (EI) text alert service exclusively for equine vets, set up to provide practices and their clients with what could be invaluable information in the face of a potential outbreak. 

Dr Emma Batson from Merial said: "Vets will be notified of an EI outbreak within 48 hours of confirmed diagnosis. Not only will this allow them to alert their clients, but we believe that it will also help to encourage horse owners to become more compliant with vaccination schedules.

"Currently it is estimated that only a third of the UK horse population is vaccinated for EI. This situation is not only a potential welfare issue, but it also provides practices with a significant opportunity to increase the number of horses protected against EI, resulting in a win-win situation for all."

Dr Richard Newton, Head of Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance at the AHT, believes the text alert service will also help improve awareness and knowledge of EI, and he hopes all equine vets will sign up for the scheme. He said: "We believe that the launch of the alert service for vets marks an important step in the quest to help minimise the risk of an EI outbreak in the UK.

"EI doesn't have a carrier state, which means that it never goes away and re-emerges, instead it circulates continuously. So without continued surveillance we could easily lose track of it.

"We hope that as well as allowing practices to track and respond to outbreaks in their area, the alerts will also encourage vets to send in samples from animals with cold and flu-like symptoms. This is a free service which in turn provides us with more information to circulate within the industry, allowing everyone to be more effective at managing the disease.

"Vaccination is our best defence against EI, but to remain effective the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Expert Surveillance Panel, needs to make any update recommendations based on the latest position in the field. And this information can only be gathered via effective surveillance."

Dr Batson agrees and hopes that the combination of the Tell Tail text alert service and surveillance scheme will help to reduce the risk of an outbreak occurring in the UK. She said: "In the UK we continue to see regular confirmed outbreaks of EI, so we can never afford to become complacent about the risks.

"You only have to look at the relatively recent major outbreaks in Australia, South Africa, India and China, to see the devastating effects which can ripple throughout equine industries, both in financial as well as welfare terms."

Tell Tail is a free service. To register your interest, text your name, practice and postcode to 07797 801863. Alternatively, visit and click on the Tell Tail link, or speak to your Merial territory manager.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.