A review of past research papers on the treatment of feline diabetes carried out by Dr Stijn Niessen at the RVC has found that much of the research into the condition was based on low-level evidence, lacked a cooperative approach and, therefore, yielded questionable results.A review of past research papers on the treatment of feline diabetes carried out by Dr Stijn Niessen at the RVC has found that much of the research into the condition was based on low-level evidence, lacked a cooperative approach and, therefore, yielded questionable results.

According to Dr Niessen, current recommendations are often based on previous research studies which used small sample sizes; some included as little as 8 cats. The biggest sample sizes found contained from 50 to 60 cats, but Dr Neissen says that even this isn't a big enough sample size to yield effective results. He says that so-called power calculations, a statistical test performed as part of this new publication, indicate that at least 80-90 animals are needed to accurately compare the effectiveness of different insulin types and other treatments.

Stijn said: "The only way to improve the quality of research and its results is to design and implement well-structured clinical trials, similar to those used by pharmaceutical companies in human medicine.

"This sort of trial can have a powerful impact on a treatment and how it is used. They can more accurately gauge the pros and cons of specific diabetic treatments for cats, helping us pinpoint troublesome side effects as well as identifying the benefits.

"Current research into the condition is sporadic, lacking a long-term vision and not collaborative. A pet owner can, in theory, go to two different vets and get two very different treatments for the same condition. The owner could then go online and find a third way. These treatments aren't necessarily wrong, it is just one vet may have been trained in one methodology and another in a different way. This is why a collaborative approach is so important, so we can end these inconsistencies and can get closer to the actual truth about which way best to treat our feline friends."

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