Your guide to exotic diseasesIntervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, has launched a new guide entitled ‘Your guide to Exotic Diseases', to educate horse owners on these potentially fatal, insect-borne diseases, some of which are zoonotic.

Joining the company's guides on respiratory disease and vaccination, the leaflet features information on West Nile Virus, African Horse Sickness, Equine Infectious Anaemia (Swamp Fever) and Equine Encephalitis including overviews of each of the diseases and their clinical signs. 

Spread by a variety of insect-borne vectors including midges, mosquitoes and horseflies, climate change is increasing the risk of exotic diseases having a severe impact on the country's equine industry.  What's more, African Horse Sickness is transmitted from animal to animal by infected biting Culicoides midges, the same midges that carry the Bluetongue virus which has threatened UK livestock this year.

"It's essential that horse owners are aware of the threat of exotic diseases coming in from overseas and the clinical signs to look out for, especially during the summer and autumn months when diseases transmitted by insects are more likely to appear." comments Tim Zoch, Marketing Manager at Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health.  "Our new leaflet features easy-to-understand overviews of each of the diseases to help educate owners, and practices can expect strong demand from their clients"

For further information about Intervet/Schering-Plough's range of horse owner guides, including ‘Your guide to Exotic Diseases', please contact your Intervet/Schering-Plough Account Manager or call the Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.

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