Ceva Animal Health has produced a new advisory leaflet about enzootic abortion control and vaccination strategy in sheep to help vets explain the best prevention protocols to clients.

According to the company, it is estimated that around half of the 400,000 infectious abortions in UK sheep each year are from enzootic abortion caused by Chlamydophila abortus, but timely vaccination programmes can prevent such dramatic losses.

The eight-page leaflet explains how enzootic abortion can spread, why prevention is better than cure, the importance of timely vaccination of ewe lambs and replacement stock, how vaccination programmes make good economic sense and the benefits of using Cevac Chlamydia, Ceva Animal Health's live enzootic abortion vaccine as part of the control programme.

Carol Atkinson, reprodAction's product manager said: "Cevac Chlamydia receives consistently good feedback from vets, many of whom have enthusiastically volunteered their praise for the product to our territory managers. We thought a leaflet would be a constructive way to share views, giving vets the chance to hear about the advantages of vaccination and to provide them with the tools to explain to their clients why vaccinating against enzootic abortion is cost worthy."

For further information contact Ceva Animal Health Ltd, Unit 3, Anglo Office Park, White Lion Road, Amersham, Bucks, HP7 9FB, Telephone +44 (0) 1494 781510.

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