Bayer Animal Health has launched Tracer Advance Slim, a new, smaller microchip which is delivered through an implanter needle that - with a diameter of 2mm - is 20% smaller than its predecessor.Bayer Animal Health has launched Tracer Advance Slim, a new, smaller microchip which is delivered through an implanter needle that - with a diameter of 2mm - is 20% smaller than its predecessor.

The company says that the new product will help vets and nurses reassure the 27% of owners that have said the size of the implanter needle caused them concern over whether they should get their animal chipped1.

Bayer also says slimmer microchips make microchipping more accessible for smaller species including exotic pets, birds and rabbits, which in turn means a potential new client base for vets.

Dan Calvo Carrasco MRCVS from Great Western Exotics, said: "The small size of the modern devices, combined with newer technology, increases the ease of implantation, causes less discomfort for the animal and makes microchipping suitable for almost any captive animal, including small birds, mammals and reptiles."

In addition, the new chip has a reading distance of up to 30cm, which Bayer says can help improve the welfare of those animals that are easily stressed, or difficult to handle. 

Dan added: "Some animals do not tolerate handling well and longer reading distances will allow identification without the stress of catching and restraining the animals.  Automated readers can be placed on tunnels, gates and nest areas, so microchips are read without handler intervention."

It's not just the owners of small species and exotics that have concerns about implanter needle size. First opinion equine vet Nathalie Cole said: "Whilst working as a first opinion practitioner I have met equine clients who have been concerned about the size of needle used and reported hearing stories of horses becoming very needle-shy following a microchipping experience.  I can recall at least one client who gave needle size, perceived pain and stress to the horse as the reason for declining to have their horse chipped.

"Slimmer microchip products could be used to improve client perception and therefore uptake of microchipping, particularly given that the majority of UK equine microchip candidates are foals"

Bayer says that additional benefits of the new product include the fact that the transponder is encapsulated with an extremely robust bio-polymer which is ten times stronger than glass and less likely to shatter. Plus the new implanter has a removable needle which means sharps disposal should be easier and more cost-effective.

Tracer Advance Slim is available with a choice of registration options - online, postal or via participating Practice Management Software providers.

Tracer Advance Slim is available from veterinary wholesalers. 


  1.   Tracer pet owner survey of 2,000 British pet owners, conducted by OnePoll, Jan 2014

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