Vétoquinol, the makers of Zylkène, is offering the chance for a veterinary professional to receive a bursary towards the Centre of Applied Ethnology (COAPE) Behaviour Diploma, worth £5000. Vétoquinol, the makers of Zylkène, is offering the chance for a veterinary professional to receive a bursary towards the Centre of Applied Ethnology (COAPE) Behaviour Diploma, worth £5000. 

The company says behavioural training offers a wealth of benefits to veterinary practices and staff, including safer pet handling, improved client loyalty and a more comfortable environment for animals, as well as the opportunity to help increase the clinic's income.

The COAPE Behaviour Diploma is designed to help professionals further their knowledge of behavioural issues and gives them the skills to deal with situations that may arise during the course of their work. It is broken down into 3 one-year-long courses, each costing £5000. 

Jodie Foster of Haygate Vets in Telford was the recipient of last year's bursary and has since been voted the VN Times Welfare Nurse of the Year. She said: "I'd been interested in doing this course for some time, so it was amazing to hear that I'd been selected. I have found it challenging at times, but it's also been very rewarding and has really helped to improve my confidence when dealing with behavioural situations at work.

"The course tutors were fantastic and really fuelled my desire to further develop my knowledge of animal behaviour. The course definitely contributed to being awarded the prize from VN Times so I would strongly recommend that anyone with an interest in pet behaviour applies for the bursary."

To apply, complete the application form at www.zylkenepet.co.uk/COAPE  by 10 August 2014, explaining why you want to further your knowledge of animal behaviour and what you hope to achieve on completing the course.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.