Bayer Animal Health has released the results of some market research conducted amongst cat owners.Bayer Animal Health, maker of Profender,  has released the results of some market research conducted amongst cat owners.

The survey, which was conducted by OnePoll amongst 1000 cat owners, found that:

  • 57% see their cat as a member of the family
  • 54% count their cat as a friend
  • 45% choose to own a cat because they find them relaxing
  • 10% have turned down a house or flat because it would not suit the cat

As regards worming:

  • 80% didn't know that kittens can become infected with worms via their mother's milk
  • 65% did not know cats can become infected with worms through hunting mice and birds
  • 56% think it important to worm the cat regularly, but ...
  • Only 26% actually do worm their pets every three months.
  • 10% feel guilty when they have to give their cat medication
  • 36% didn't know there is a spot-on worming product

When it comes to the relationship they have with their veterinary surgeon:

  • 43% prefer to get their wormer from a vet
  • 26% want reminders from their vet when preventative healthcare is due
  • 25% said they'd be more likely to choose a practice that offers online appointment booking over one that doesn't
  • 21% want advice that is tailored not just to their pet's health, but its personality
  • 18% said they want their vet to be more of a healthcare partner than an advisor; to fully involve them in decisions about their pet
  • 14% want advice that takes their personal lifestyle, as well as clinical factors, into account

When it comes to the Internet:

  • 54% search for information about their cat online
  • 47% said they believe cats are popular on the internet because owners relate to their mischievous behaviour
  • 18% regularly post photographs of their cat online
  • 10% of people have set up a social media page for their cat

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