The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) has launched its 2014 Salaries Survey.

SPVS is urging everyone involved in the veterinary sector to complete a questionnaire to ensure a comprehensive insight into the levels of pay amongst veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, practice managers and those in industry. 

The survey is open to members and non-members alike, and SPVS is offering three months' free membership to those non-members who complete the questionnaire.

Designed to provide a complete picture of remuneration levels, the questionnaire covers everything from basic earnings, bonuses, dividends and overtime to benefits such as accommodation, car allowances, private medical insurance and pensions. The survey also includes questions on employment contracts, hours worked, out of hours and weekend working.

The 2013 Salary Survey revealed a dip in salaries among small animal practice vets for the second year running, with only mixed and large animal practices showing an increase. There were also large regional variations and a worrying gender gap.

Adi Nell, SPVS senior vice president said: "We are aiming for the 2014 Salaries Survey to be our biggest and best yet. To achieve this, we need as many of the veterinary profession as possible to complete the questionnaire so that the results give us a really accurate picture of what is happening to our salaries around the country."

To take part in the survey simply follow the link on or for a printed version telephone 01926 410454.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.