Ceva Animal Health, maker of Vectra 3D, has released the results of some market research which gives a little insight into current levels of owner compliance with veterinary flea treatment advice.Ceva Animal Health, maker of Vectra 3D, has released the results of some market research which gives a little insight into current levels of owner compliance with veterinary flea treatment advice.

Of the 228 owners surveyed:

  • 40% said they treat their pet for fleas monthly
  • 70% said they treat their pets year round.
  • More than 50% knew it took at least a week to eradicate an infestation from their household after it has taken hold
  • Only 8% knew that fleas lay upwards of 40 eggs per day

When selecting a flea treatment:

  • 47% wanted one that would kill fleas quickly
  • 43% bought a vet-recommended product
  • 32% bought a product that stops fleas reproducing

Looking at the first set of stats, it seems like the year-round message is getting through, but that perhaps with greater awareness of fleas' prodigious egg-laying habits, and the difficulty of eliminating an infestion once established, might just help improve monthly compliance. 

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