Idexx Laboratories has announced the addition of pradofloxacin (Veraflox, Bayer Animal Health) to the list of antibiotics that it tests samples sent for culture and sensitivity testing against.Idexx Laboratories has announced the addition of pradofloxacin (Veraflox, Bayer Animal Health) to the list of antibiotics that it tests samples sent for culture and sensitivity testing against.

The company says that in the past, only a small percentage of the 350-400 samples it processes every day included a specific request from veterinary surgeons to include sensitivity testing to pradofloxacin. The now-routine testing for pradofloxacin is a positive move toward better clinical outcomes in difficult cases, including specific indications such as wound infections, superficial and deep pyoderma, and in cases with infections resistant to other antibiotics.

Idexx says that as the only next generation fluoroquinolone, pradofloxacin has been shown to be the least likely veterinary fluoroquinolone to select for resistance1, giving vets a lower risk option, when they decide to use an antibiotic from this class.

Matt Jones, Microbiology Manager at Idexx Laboratories said: 'Removing the need to specifically request samples to be tested for sensitivity to pradofloxacin has streamlined the culture and sensitivity testing process for vets and will make it easier for them to adhere to good practice in antibiotic prescription.

"This is important, as antimicrobial resistance is an area of deep international concern. Idexx are pleased to be helping vets identify those cases for which pradofloxacin may be effective and believe that, where indicated, it will lead to improved compliance and excellent clinical outcomes with the added benefit of reducing the likelihood of selecting for resistance, when compared to older generation fluoroquinolones."

The company says this move is in line with BSAVA's PROTECT initiative, which stresses the importance of culture and sensitivity, especially when prescribing antibiotics of the fluoroquinlone class.


  1. Wetzstein, HG. Comparative mutant prevention concentrations of pradofloxacin and other veterinary fluoroquinolones indicate differing potentials in preventing selection of resistance. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005; 49(10): 4166-4173

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