The President of the British Veterinary Association has written to the Badger Trust to clarify the BVA position on the pilot badger culls in England, stating that it will not be supporting the Trust's application for a judicial review.

The BVA Council agreed a position on the continuation of controlled shooting in the pilot areas on 16 April. The position states that the BVA could only support further culling using controlled shooting in the pilot areas if steps are taken to improve both its effectiveness and humaneness and if there is robust monitoring and collation of results and independent analysis and auditing by a non-governmental body. It also states that the BVA supports the Independent Expert Panel's (IEP) recommendations for improving effectiveness and humaneness and urges Defra to implement all the IEP's recommendations fully.

The BVA says that since 16 April, it has been in dialogue with Defra to seek assurances that these issues will be addressed, and those discussions are ongoing. It will not be taking a further position on the pilot culls until BVA Council has had the opportunity to consider Defra's plans in full, when they are made available.

In a press release dated 20th May, The Badger Trust CEO Dominic Dyer said: "It is not acceptable for the DEFRA Secretary of State to now push aside the concerns of both the Independent Expert Panel and the British Veterinary Association, by moving ahead with a further badger cull in Gloucestershire and Somerset this summer without any independent monitoring in place."

The BVA says it is concerned that this misrepresents its position, and has led to some media reports suggesting that the BVA has withdrawn its support for badger culling as part of the overall strategy to eradicate bovine TB. It has not. The BVA says it continues to believe that the TB eradication strategy for England will only be successful if we are able to use all of the available tools, including targeted, humane badger culling.

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