Kellie Price, a Kent-based Registered Veterinary Nurse has been suspended from the Register for nine months by the RCVS RVN Disciplinary Committee after she admitted dishonestly creating four prescriptions, one of which was then fraudulently presented to a pharmacy.

The Committee heard that in January 2013, Miss Price, who did not attend the hearing and had no representation, had dishonestly created a prescription for two inhalers while working at a veterinary practice in Kent.

This prescription had been written and signed in the name of a locum veterinary surgeon, Cristiana Tudini MRCVS, without her knowledge or consent. The false prescription was subsequently presented to a pharmacy for dispensing.

In addition, in March 2013, Miss Price dishonestly created a further three prescriptions - one of which was written in the name of her colleague Cormac Higgins MRCVS, and two written in the name of Cristiana Tudini MRCVS without either's knowledge or consent. All four false prescriptions had been made out for Miss Price's Jack Russell terrier.

Upon discovering the false prescriptions, Mr Higgins asked Miss Price for an explanation and subsequently suspended her from her position pending further investigation. However, after being interviewed by Mr Higgins, she resigned before any in-house disciplinary hearing could take place. The allegations were then reported to both the RCVS and the police, the latter giving Miss Price a formal caution in respect of the false prescription made in January 2013.

In considering Miss Price's sanction, the RVN Disciplinary Committee took into account a number of aggravating and mitigating factors. In mitigation, it accepted Miss Price's explanation that, in the early hours of 6 January, she had suffered an asthma attack and that she had created the false prescription at work in a panic after realising her inhaler was empty and fearing a further asthma attack. The Committee also took into account a witness statement from Cormac Higgins MRCVS which described her as a "great nurse" and "good with patients and clients".

However, the Committee also considered aggravating factors including Miss Price's dishonesty and the fact that she then made further false prescriptions in March, although these were not then presented to a pharmacy.

Professor Noreen Burrows, who chaired the RVN Disciplinary Committee and spoke on its behalf, said: "The Committee is... satisfied that the admitted dishonesty amounts to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect [and] is satisfied that the respondent's conduct fell far short of the conduct to be expected of a registered veterinary nurse."

On deciding the sanction she added: "Taking into account all of the circumstances, the Committee has concluded that the suspension of the Respondent's name from the Register for a period of nine months is the proportionate sanction in this case."

The Committee's full findings and decision are available on the RCVS website (

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