Ceva Animal Health has launched a series of puppy training films to educate dog owners on new puppy ownership, from purchasing through to training.Ceva Animal Health has launched a series of puppy training films to educate dog owners on new puppy ownership, from buying through to training.

The three films, which are available to view in the puppy section of www.adaptil.co.uk are presented by the leading dog trainer and behaviourist Carolyn Menteith and senior veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health, Sarah Endersby. The films, which range in length from 5 to 25 minutes, are entitled 'How to pick the right puppy', 'General healthcare of your puppy' and a 'Practical guide to basic training with your puppy'.

The first film - 'How to pick the right puppy' - features information on how to look for a puppy using adoption centres and Kennel Club registered breeders and the considerations to take into account when choosing a dog. These include how much exercise different breeds require, grooming (for example would an owner like a long or short haired dog) and whether a particular breed of dog is good with children. The first film also advises new dog owners on preparing a home for a new puppy and the equipment that they may wish to buy.

The second film - 'General healthcare of your puppy' - consists of information on how to settle a puppy when it is brought home and how to choose puppy classes.  It also features details on vaccinations, keeping control of fleas and worms and diet, together with educating dog owners about toilet training their new pet and the importance of socialisation and habituation.

The third film - a 'Practical guide to basic training with your puppy' - features practical demonstrations on how to start training a puppy including teaching a dog to sit, go down, recall and walk on a lead. It also advises owners on what to look for in a puppy class and the importance of training a puppy in a variety of locations, not just at home.

Emma Jackson, Adaptil product manager at Ceva Animal Health said: "The puppy training films are ideal tools for animal health professionals to utilise to help educate puppy owners on every aspect of new puppy ownership. They can even be embedded into your own website via YouTube."

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