The Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA) is launching its new Continuous Professional Development (CPD) scheme today, designed to ensure that the Authority's registered Suitably Qualified Persons (SQPs) keep up to date with the latest animal medicines information.

In order to maintain their SQP status, every SQP will have to achieve a minimum number of CPD points during each AMTRA CPD period, running for two years from July to June. However, in the initial stages of the scheme, this first period will run for 33 months, from October 2008 to June 2011, allowing AMTRA to fine tune the system if required and give its SQPs time to get used to the new structure.

During these CPD periods, SQPs are required to obtain a minimum number of CPD points depending on their SQP type:

SQP Type: Modules; VPS medicines supplied; CPD Points
R-SQP: FAM+EQM+CAM; All VPS Medicines; 70 points
G-SQP: FAM+EQM; VPS-farm animals and equines only; 50 points
K-SQP: FAM+CAM; VPS-farm and companion animals only; 50 points
E-SQP: EQM+CAM; VPS-equines and companion animals only; 50 points
L-SQP: FAM; VPS-farm animals only; 30 points
J-SQP: EQM; VPS-equines only; 30 points
C-SQP: CAM; VPS-companion animals only; 30 points

(FAM - Farm Animal Module, EQM - Equine Module, CAM - Companion Animal Module)

In essence, this means that 20 points are required per animal group, plus a further 10 points. Dr Roger Dawson, Secretary of AMTRA comments, "There is no maximum number of CPD points that SQPs can accumulate and we will be encouraging them to gain the benefit of as much CPD as they can."

Those SQPs who do not achieve the minimum number of CPD points by the end of the period will not be eligible to renew their status for the following year. However, such SQPs will have the option of sitting an examination before the end of  that CPD period in order to maintain their SQP status and eligible be  to renew for the next year.

SQPs will have a range of avenues through which to gain CPD points, ranging from four types of AMTRA-accredited CPD Events, to online study and personal study. With CPD Events and online studies, accreditation and points will be awarded by the AMTRA CPD Accreditation Panel. With personal study, AMTRA accepts a degree of self-certification of this form of CPD, however the points gained in this way are limited to a relatively small proportion of the minimum required in a CPD period.

Throughout a CPD period, all SQPs are required to attend at least ONE CPD Event. These events will comprise a range of modules that will be assessed for coverage, of relevant topics ranging from legislation, regulations and prevalence & effects of parasites and pathogens, to control of disease management, resistance, warnings and SARS.

Dr Dawson says, "The new CPD scheme has the necessary flexibility to allow SQPs to gain the required CPD points via a number of routes, from accredited CPD events and online study to personal study. Furthermore, the structure of the scheme ensures that their studies will be properly assessed to ensure they have gained the necessary knowledge to secure their CPD points."

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