The Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA) has published the results of research which found that veterinary surgeons believe 45% of all pets are overweight.The Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA) has published the results of research which found that veterinary surgeons believe 45% of all pets are overweight.

In addition, 77% of the 180 vets surveyed at the London Vet Show 2013 believe that the pet obesity problem is on the rise. 

Meanwhile, 93% of pet owners said they would be concerned to discover their pet is overweight, revealing a sharp divide between vets' and owners' perceptions.

To help spread the word about ideal pet weight, the PFMA will launch a new campaign called #GetPetsFit on 7th May.

Michael Bellingham, Chief Executive of PFMA said: "We need to engage pet owners emotionally, helping them realise that feeding and exercising their pet to the optimum level can result in an extra two years of active life. The #GetPetsFit campaign will provide the perfect opportunity to do this and we hope that with the help of vets, we can work to resolve this important issue."

The PFMA is urging practices to promote good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Zara Boland BVSc BE MRCVS, Founder of Vet Voice Ltd says: "It is encouraging that success rates are high for the 78% of UK vets already running companion animal obesity clinics. However, we must continue pushing the health message until overweight pets are no longer seen as the 'norm'. We need widespread recognition of pet obesity to pave the way for positive action."

One way that the PFMA is encouraging practices to get involved is by running Weigh in Wednesdays from 7th May. To help, the organisation has prepared a free kit that contains campaign posters, website banners and client hand-out materials, including Pet Size-O-Meters (for cats, dogs, rabbits and birds), a pet food diary and weight and body condition log. You can either download the kit here: or visit PFMA's homepage and ask for a free pack to be sent to your practice.

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