The British Veterinary Association has welcomed the British Veterinary Nursing Association and the Veterinary Practice Management Association as Affiliate members.
Affiliate and Associate are newly activated BVA membership categories, and the election of BVNA and the VPMA as Affiliates also encourages any of their suitably qualified members to apply for Associate membership of the BVA.
According to the BVA, Affiliate status in no way affects an organisation's own remit and responsibilities towards its members. What it does mean is that Affiliates can benefit from the BVA's knowledge and expertise in such areas as lobbying and marketing.
In welcoming BVNA and VPMA newly elected BVA President Nicky Paull said: "I am delighted that my Presidential year coincides with the BVA family embracing both veterinary nurses and veterinary practice managers. Both are integral members of the veterinary team and we believe that our new relationship will bring lasting benefits to all parties. BVA looks forward to supporting our new Affiliates in promoting the professionalism of both veterinary nursing and veterinary practice management not only within the profession but to the wider community.
These are exciting, if challenging times, for the veterinary community world-wide and I have no doubt that our new relationship will strengthen not only our individual associations but the profession as a whole."
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