Horses suffering from neurological conditions similar to those that affect humans could be helped by a breakthrough from stem cell scientists, according to a study published in the journal Stem Cells and Development.

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh's Roslin Institute took skin cells from a young horse and turned them into stem cells using a technique that was originally developed for human cells. The reprogrammed cells are pluripotent, which means they can be induced to become any type of cell in the body. The team used them to create nerve cells in the laboratory and tested whether they were functional by showing that they could transmit nerve signals in a test tube.

The university says horse stem cells have been produced in the laboratory before but this is the first time that scientists have created working cells of a specific type from them. The advance may pave the way for cell therapies that target conditions similar to motor neurone disease.

In addition, the research could also benefit horses affected by grass sickness, a neurological condition that affects around 600 horses a year in the UK. Little is known about the disease, which causes nerve damage throughout the body. It is untreatable and animals with the most severe form usually die or have to be put down.

Dr Xavier Donadeu from the Roslin Institute, an author of the study, said: "Stem cells hold huge therapeutic potential both for people and animals. Our research is an important step towards realising that potential for horses and provides an opportunity to validate stem-cell based therapies before clinical studies in humans."

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