A new injectable antibiotic with nil-milk-withhold licensed to treat foul-in-the-foot in a single shot has been launched by Pfizer Animal Health.

Naxcel Cattle's active ingredient is ceftiofur in a patented sustained-release formulation. According to the company, one injection provides a full course of antibiotic therapy, giving seven days of therapeutic blood levels against the majority of inter-digital necrobacillosis ('foul-in-the-foot') pathogens.

Pfizer vet Dave Gilbert says the expectation is that Naxcel Cattle will make on-farm therapy easier and help improve treatment compliance and thereby first treatment success rates, compared to treatments which require repeat injections. "Having the full course in a single injection simplifies treatment protocols and eliminates a number of reasons for non-completion of treatment, such as forgetting a second or third dose, or not giving them because of apparent symptomatic recovery from the condition."

The site of injection for Naxcel Cattle is the subcutaneous area at the base of the ear (see Figures 1 & 2). Injection instructions are supplied in the product pack. Dave Gilbert suggests that provided cattle are adequately restrained during administration the injection technique is simple and straightforward. The dose rate is 1ml/30kg body weight and up to 30ml can safely be given into each site.

Figure 1. Subcutaneous administration of Naxcel Cattle at the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of ear).
Figure 2. Injection location for the subcutaneous administration of Naxcel Cattle at the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of ear).

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