The BVA has welcomed a Scottish Government consultation on the compulsory microchipping of all dogs in Scotland, launched by Cabinet Secretary Richard Lochhead on 27th December.

Microchipping of all dogs is already a legal requirement in Northern Ireland and will become a requirement in Wales in 2015 and in England in 2016.

BVA President Robin Hargreaves, said: "BVA has long supported the compulsory microchipping of all dogs as a significant welfare measure and so we are delighted that the Scottish Government has launched this consultation.

"Every vet in practice will tell you what a highlight it is to be able to reunite a lost dog and its owner quickly and easily. The more dogs that are microchipped, with correct details on the database, the easier that process becomes meaning fewer dogs sent to kennels and charities."

Ronnie Soutar, President of BVA Scottish Branch, said: "Microchipping is a safe, effective and permanent way to link dogs with their owners and it is an essential part of responsible ownership. It is a small cost in terms of dog ownership with veterinary practices in Scotland offering microchipping at a very reasonable price or at a discount or free as part of a practice promotion. "It is important to remember that microchips are only as useful as the information held on the database and so we must work together with the Scottish Government to ensure that dog owners understand the importance of keeping this information up to date."

The consultation also asks for views on dog licensing and compulsory muzzling of dogs in public areas - measures that BVA has not supported.

Mr Hargreaves said: "We have some serious reservations about the call for all dogs, or dogs of a specific breed, to be muzzled in public areas.

"Under the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act dogs are afforded the right to exhibit normal behaviour which could be compromised by the requirement to wear a muzzle at all times outside of the home. We hope that respondents to the consultation reject this idea."

The BVA says it will be consulting its members to respond in full to the consultation.

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