Zoetis has announced the results of a YouGov survey it commissioned to look at pet owner compliance.

The survey, which formed part of the company's 'Respect Antibiotics' campaign, indicates that owners believe they are reasonably compliant. 55% of those surveyed had administered antibiotic tablets to their dog. 88% of those claimed not to have missed a dose, 87% claimed not to have any medication left at the end of the course and 89% administered medication at the same time each day.

Nevertheless, the majority of owners (52%) said they struggled to give their dog a pill and 19% believed they had insufficient information from their vet on the importance of accurate dosing and course completion. 47% said they would prefer to be offered a single treatment given by their vet and most (52%) were prepared to pay a premium for this option.   

When it comes to osteoarthritis (OA) medication, the survey found that dog owners are slightly less diligent. Of the 41% surveyed that had given OA/pain medication at some point, 79% claimed not to miss a dose, 62% claimed to finish the course and 87% claimed to administer the medication at the same time each day. Once again, convenience was important, with 48% preferring a monthly treatment, rising to 57% for a long term condition and 52% being prepared to pay a premium for it. Only 17% opted for daily medication.  

Andrew Page, product manager for Convenia and Trocoxil said: "We are aware that there may be a disconnect between what pet owners claim to do and what they actually do, especially as nearly half of those surveyed (49%) admitted to forgetting their own daily medication. However, the message that comes out loud and clear is that dog owners would like to be offered medication that can either be given less frequently or administered by their vet, especially as over half of those surveyed had struggled to give antibiotics to their dog and 45% had difficulties giving OA/pain medication."

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