The Kennel Club has announced the launch of a new, internet-based research and knowledge sharing hub designed to bring researchers, veterinary surgeons and dog owners together.

The Kennel Club says that one of the key benefits of the Bio-Acquisition Research Collaboration (BARC), will be the ability for users to request and share tissue samples to assist with canine research. Researchers will be able to post requests for samples based on particular specifications, such as the health status of the required dog(s), the age and sex of the dogs, and how the sample should be preserved. This will simplify the process for researchers looking for samples to aid their work, which will ultimately benefit canine health research on a larger scale.

Aimee Llewellyn, Kennel Club Health Information Manager said: "BARC will be a unique online platform which will facilitate bringing together researchers and clinicians with the aim to promote dog health and unite those interested in canine health research.

"It will be a place for researchers to request the samples they need to undertake current research and will allow for vets and members of the public to offer such samples where possible in order to enable this. If, for example, a dog sadly passes away through a little known illness or disease, its owner could, when appropriate, contact researchers who are working on finding a cure, so the problem of one dog could potentially help solve the problem of many.

"The research exchange facility will also be a great way for vets to go over and above what they do in their day to day work, and we hope to see a real collaboration of those dedicated to improving dog health across the board."

Dr David Sargan, a respected scientist and senior lecturer from the University of Cambridge Department of Veterinary Medicine, said: "BARC is an exciting venture. There is currently nothing like it in the UK to facilitate the sharing of canine research and I have no doubt that it will truly support canine science by creating a network of research and sample sharing. I would recommend other researchers utilise this platform to assist with their work and to find out what others are doing. Ultimately this will benefit canine health research across the board."

To visit the BARC research exchange, visit

For further information on the Kennel Club's work on canine health and research,

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