Left to right: James Tattersal, Simon Gibert and Gordon BrownGrove Referrals, an East Anglian referral centre for orthopaedics, spinal surgery and ophthalmology, has announced the completion of £1 million refurbishment.

The project was overseen by ECVS diplomat James Tattersall (above, left next to Simon Gilbert and Gordon Brown), an orthopaedic surgeon at the practice, and the practice now offers the following facilities:

  • Two digital radiography / imaging suites
  • 16 slice CT scanner
  • Three positive pressure sterile theatres
  • Two preparation areas
  • Upgraded and expanded in-patient facilities
  • Practice laboratory

Practice Director Gordon Brown MRCVS said: "As a Referral Centre, it is important that we offer the very best to our patients. The refurbishment has created a fantastic working environment with the latest technology available if needed 24/7.

"Working in the building while such extensive work was underway wasn't easy but it's well worth it now that our vision for the practice has been realised. We're delighted with the new facilities we can offer and are looking forward to showing them to our veterinary colleagues and clients in the months ahead."

Grove Referrals is based at Grove House, Holt Road, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 8JG. The practice can be contacted on 01328 862137 or at grove.referrals@cvsvets.com

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