Zoetis has launched PetDialog, the only treatment reminder app for pet owners which veterinary practices can customise with their own branding.Zoetis has launched PetDialog and HorseDialog, the only treatment reminder apps for pet and horse owners which veterinary practices can customise with their own branding.

The app is downloadable from the Apple and Android app stores, but is only accessible by inputting a unique practice identity code.

Once the app is unlocked, owners can then input details of any medications their pet is taking and the date its healthcheck / vaccinations are due, after which they'll receive a practice-branded email reminder.

It's a similar idea to Bayer's reminder app released earlier this year, but with the very clever addition of practice branding.

John Toole, Product Manager at Zoetis said: "This is absolutely the right time to launch this app. Smartphone ownership has rapidly increased from 38% to 60% in the last three years and by 2015 it is predicted that 73% of the UK population will own a Smartphone. The use of Smartphones is no longer just the domain of the young - use and ownership is pretty evenly spread among age groups between 24 and 64, with greatest growth among the 44 -74 age group over the past three years. It comes as no surprise that recent market research confirms 57% of UK pet owners own an Android or iOS device.

"Health businesses are the most trusted by UK mobile users when it comes to receiving mobile messages. More than 11 million consumers have opted in to receive mobile messages from health companies, particularly to take advantage of appointment reminders. This form of communication can really boost loyalty where vet practices are concerned, as 74% of users say that mobile messages that had a use or benefit would maintain or enhance their loyalty to that brand.

"PetDialog has been a significant investment for us and with the help of our customers we plan to re-invest in a robust development stream to ensure the app becomes a valuable tool for pet owners and practices alike. To help practices launch and market the app we've developed an extensive bespoke range of marketing support materials from web pages and email templates to practice posters that come alive in the waiting room with augmented reality."

VetSurgeon gave the app a very quick trial. We found registration simple and easy. Clear navigation. Very good first impression.

Except ...

Honestly, whose idea was it that even the most pathologically insane pet owner would possibly, even once in a million years, want to record (and chart) the amount of time they spend hugging their pet. And not just that, but also to categorise their pet-hugging activities according to whether it was 'Morning Cuddles', 'Afternoon Hugs' or 'Evening Snuggles'. Someone at Zoetis' digital agency must have been smoking something very strong when they came up with that one.

Similarly, the ability to record the amount of time spent playing with the dog, breaking it down into specific activities such as: 'Fetch', Tug of War', 'General Playing', is surely targeted at the 0.0000000001% of the pet owning population that really should be getting some sort of professional help.

That said, the overall idea and execution is top notch. Provided Zoetis removes the madder elements of the app at the next upgrade, it'll get 5 stars out of 5. Meantime, it's still highly recommended.

For more information about the app, contact your Zoetis Account Manager

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