The RCVS has announced that nominations are now open for the RCVS Elections and launched a new video which explains why you should consider putting your name forward.

Six seats are available on RCVS Council, each for a four-year tenure. Existing RCVS Council Members David Catlow, Jacqui Molyneux, Bob Partridge, Christine Shield, Neil Smith and Clare Tapsfield-Wright are due to retire from Council next year, but are all eligible for re-election.

Last year, for the first time in over a decade, no women candidates stood for election, and the College says it is determined to widen participation in Council amongst the whole profession.

To help veterinary surgeons learn more about what's involved in being a Council Member, the benefits it can bring and the amount of time it requires, the College has produced a short video featuring the experiences of some existing members of Council and their reasons for standing.

Gordon Hockey, RCVS Registrar, said: "We have chosen the theme 'People like you' for these videos because people on the Councils really are no different to their colleagues across all aspects of the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions. The thoughts and experiences they describe on camera will sound very familiar to many of their colleagues and peers! We need people of all ages and of varying experiences and professional backgrounds to ensure there is a healthy and diverse range of views available."

The College will also be hosting a special 'Meet the RCVS' day on Tuesday, 10 December for anyone considering standing for election but wanting to find out more first. Further information and bookings are available from Fiona Harcourt, Communications Officer (020 7202 0773 /

Nominations are open until 5pm on Friday, 31 January 2014, allowing plenty of time to find out more about what's involved and to find two proposers.

Details about how to stand in the elections are available at

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.