The British Small Animal Veterinary Association has written to Public Health England to ask if they would be prepared to review their risk assessment for front line staff in veterinary practices (i.e. veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and receptionists) regarding pre-exposure rabies vaccination.The British Small Animal Veterinary Association has written to Public Health England to ask if they would be prepared to review their risk assessment for front line staff in veterinary practices (i.e. veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and receptionists) regarding pre-exposure rabies vaccination.

The letter points out that the changes to the Pet Travel Regulations, brought in on 1st January 2012, make it possible for dogs, cats and ferrets to enter the UK from an EU country only 21 days after vaccination, with no requirement for blood testing and a 6-month wait.

The risk assessment undertaken by Defra at that time acknowledged that this would lead to an increase in the risk of introducing rabies to the UK, but this risk was still considered to be very low.

However, this risk assessment made a number of assumptions, including that there would be full compliance with the regulations. Since that time it has become apparent that not only have these changes led to a significant increase in the number of animals entering the UK, but that a number of these animals do not fully comply with the regulations.

According to BSAVA, current evidence suggests that increasing numbers of puppies enter the UK from abroad, particularly Eastern Europe, and that these are often presented with illness at veterinary practices by their new, and often unsuspecting, owners. While it has been assumed that animals entering under the Pet Travel Scheme pose a low risk of carrying rabies, the recent case of two puppies imported into The Netherlands from Bulgaria which tested positive for rabies indicates that the disease may occur even in puppies that were vaccinated and travelling legitimately.

While a great deal has been achieved in the control of rabies in the EU, there is increasing expansion in member states to include countries such as Bulgaria and Romania in which rabies remains endemic. Moreover, sporadic cases continue to occur in countries within this region (i.e. Italy and Greece). Animals imported into the UK from these regions could potentially introduce rabies into the United Kingdom.

While importation of affected animals remains a remote possibility, the likelihood is that an affected animal would present for veterinary treatment and that frontline veterinary staff may be at greatest risk of exposure. Some veterinary practices that deal routinely with imported pets adopted from the street or animal shelters in other countries, have staff that may be at even greater risk.

BSAVA President Professory Michael Day, who signed the letter on behalf of the Association and its members, said: "As a result of the current conditions in which veterinary professionals find themselves, BSAVA, in our letter sent on 12 November, has urged Public Health England to consider adding veterinary staff who may come into contact with imported animals to the list of those entitled to receive pre-exposure rabies vaccination."

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